stories of the Mix family lovin' the country life

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy anniversary today to my parents, Jim and Laura Pranger.  They were married thirty years ago today!  

I appreciate so much the heritage they have given me.  I could tell about their love for God.  I could tell about their faithfulness to the Lord's work.  I could tell about their service to others.  However, what most impresses me today is their consistency.

Before we were missionaries, our parents loved God and served Him.  Doing right was always right.  Our parents didn't just go to church.  Our lives were filled with loving God and doing right.  When we went to the mission field in 1994, our home life didn't change.  We still read our Bibles, prayed, and witnessed to people.  Our parents taught us that Christianity is not just what we do on Sunday.  Christianity is the way we live.  We live to honor God.

This picture was on our first prayer card in 1992.

 Here we are in Palatka, Russia, in "spring" of 1998.

Today, my parents are still missionaries.  They live in Hungary and reach Hungarians as well as other Europeans who travel through Budapest.  All five of us children are married and serving the Lord in the various places God has put us. 

Here we all are at Lydia's wedding a month ago.  Sharon's husband Andrew couldn't make the trip, so he is missing in the photograph. In order from left to right:  Jonathan, Bobby, me, our daughter Elizabeth, James, his wife Amber (who is expecting their son Jacob), Mom, Lydia, Josh, our daughter Abigail, Dad, Sharon, Liberty (also expecting), Deborah, Breanna, Amos, and Annabeth.

Thank you, Dad and Mom, for the godly example you have been to us.  Thank you for bringing us up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  We pray that we will pass on this same heritage to our children.


  1. That is wo wonderful Hannah! - Tinyla

  2. LOVED seeing that picture from Lydia's wedding! Yay!

    And, Happy Anniversary to your wonderful parents. :-)
